
Why We Include Dogs In Our Lives

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There are many great things that go along with owning a dog. They will always love us unconditionally. Get us out of the house when we take them for their daily walks providing us and our dog with much needed daily exercise. They entice positive reactions from just about everyone. Ever notice how many more people smile and speak to you when you are in the company of your canine companion?  Dogs share our lives more than any other animal. They guard us, share our leisure and family times and many work helping people who have disabilities.

 More than 30 million Americans live with one or more dogs because of the companionship they provide. Dogs are nonjudgmental, they can be trusted with our feelings and emotions and will love us no matter what. They can help build a child's self esteem and teach them responsibility when allowed to take part in their daily care. They can help an elderly person feel less lonely and isolated. They are cute, lovable, adorable and just make us feel good.

 Dogs are good for our health